The Joseph House
Dying is the last journey we will embark upon and it is a journey no one should walk alone. We operate a resident-centered home and welcomes any terminally ill person enrolled in the hospice of their choice and with terminal illness. We serve Lufkin and Angelina County, including counties served by our local hospices. All are welcome to become a resident of The Joseph House.
Our Mission
“The Joseph House is a resident-centered home and welcomes any terminally ill person enrolled in the hospice of their choice and with terminal illness – regardless of age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, or disability.”
The Facility Board and staff concur with local hospices, that any person has the right to choose palliative care verses therapeutic care. Therefore, the Facility is committed to providing safe, compassionate, residential care in a home setting with emphasis of palliative end of life care.
Special Care Facility
The Joseph House is both a service and philosophy. We provide comprehensive care to terminally ill residents, enrolled in the hospice of their choice, their families, and significant others, by helping them continue life as normally as possible during the end-of-life phase. The facility encompasses the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of the resident and is structured to care for residents and the members of their family like they were members of our own.
For example, we help the daughter who cannot always afford to take time off from work to care for an ailing parent; we help families who can provide the care, but the family and/or terminally ill person does not desire to die in the private home; we help the loving wife who desires to take care of her husband of many years, but her age and health prevent her from giving the care he needs; and last but not least, we help those, who for whatever reason, have no one to care for them.
Joseph of Arimathea
The Joseph House draws its profound inspiration from the timeless biblical account of Joseph of Arimathea, an unsung hero who played a pivotal role during the crucifixion of Jesus. While women such as the blessed Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and others tenderly cared for and prayed over the dying Jesus on the cross, Joseph of Arimathea was the lone man who stood by their side. In the face of fear and adversity, he demonstrated unwavering faith, compassion, and courage.
Joseph, a member of the Council, had not consented to the judgment against Jesus. His belief in and anticipation of the kingdom of God compelled him to stand 'in the gap' between those who mocked and blasphemed, safeguarding the dying Jesus and offering solace to the grieving Mother. After Jesus's crucifixion, Joseph valiantly secured his body from Pontius Pilate and laid Him to rest in his own tomb.
The name 'The Joseph House' pays homage to this comforter, for in comforting, we ourselves find comfort. In death, we discover the promise of new life.
Joseph's unwavering conviction, courage, and commitment to truth paved the way for the powerful witness of the empty tomb, catalyzing belief in the resurrection of the Son of God. In this spirit, The Joseph House is a specialized care facility that stands in the gap, bridging the divide between the harsh diagnosis of terminal illness and the 'end of life' reality. Just as Joseph stood for Jesus, we stand for those in need, offering comfort, compassion, and dignity in their final journey.